Operational Capability Once Leadership is at the level needed, then focus can turn to ensuring that an improved operational capability is in place. You will need your Exec Committee and their direct reports to put in place the basic operational capabilities to turn the company into a cross-functional customer-centric organisation. A collection of 31 posts
Operational Performance As soon as each new or revised operational capability comes online, then the senior leadership team will need the right level of support to ensure that daily operations are capable of, and actually are, moving the company towards its customer-centric value-adding new focus. A collection of 34 posts
Leadership Advisory Your Exec Committee and their direct reports will need to focus on the leadership needed for digital transformation. This is a whole-company initiative and covers organisational, behavioural and technical transformation. Your leadership is what makes the difference. A collection of 47 posts
Process Your internal value-chain is the cross-functional process that is essential to becoming and being a customer-centric business. These articles explore what you can do to pivot away from corporate silos to self-directing small teams who know where they feature in the value-chain and what their commitments are as part of that customer-centric focus. A collection of 20 posts
Technology In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, business and society builds and extends the impact of digitisation in new and unanticipated ways. Although we may argue that leadership is the main driver of digital transformation, technology is an essential enabler of news ways of working. These articles explore some of the actions that matter most. A collection of 13 posts
People Your people are your organisation, and they respond to the environment you provide. These articles discuss different ways of maintaining a happy, productive and motivated workforce. A collection of 41 posts
Cost The best way to make more profit is to sell at a higher price and keep your costs the same or lower. Every company should keep track of its fixed and variable costs, and periodically take active steps to take cost out of the business, across the end-to-end value chain. A collection of 6 posts
Risk Risk is part of everyday business life - strategic, regulatory, operational, financial, cyber and reputational. You can't avoid risk: every action you and your team take has a potential upside and downside. The trick is to understand the threats to your success, quantify the possible magnitude of impact and actively mitigate them. A collection of 10 posts
Strategy Your business strategy will set out your digital transformation intention and provide a set of guiding principles, which, when communicated and adopted, will help your organisational leaders make decisions, allocate resources and prioritise actions to achieve your desired operational, behavioural and technical goals. A collection of 33 posts
Customer Experience Customer experience (CX) is the result of interaction between an organisation and a customer over the duration of their relationship, from initial awareness through the purchase to ongoing advocacy. Multiple factors contribute to the customer experience, including brand positioning, pricing, value, service and social proof. By understanding the individual customer journey, brands can personalise the interaction for better engagement. A collection of 9 posts
Employee Engagement Employee engagement is based on trust, integrity, two way commitment and communication between an organisation and its staff. Done well, it results in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being. A collection of 18 posts
Data Data is the foundation of all decision making and needs to be available, accessible and accurate. Data becomes an asset when, under the right circumstances, it is transformed into information that contains economic characteristics and facilitates actionable insights. A collection of 2 posts
Remote Working Many people have suddenly found themselves working at home 5-days a week. This brings challenges for the individuals, but also for managers, who have to learn new leadership skills. A collection of 5 posts
Stay Trading There are certain actions that a company must do to remain efficient and productive, and to remain relevant in the marketplace. These articles discuss a number of different considerations that will keep the revenue flowing in. A collection of 22 posts
Communication From a business perspective, all outcomes result from the quality of communication; from the choice of words used so that the message is understood, to the clarity of action needed from those who receive the message. Strong communication skills aid in all aspects of life – both professional and personal. A collection of 6 posts